Monday, February 9, 2009

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

Rating: 9 of 10
Genre: Documentary

Were you created in the likeness of a monkey or a crystal, or were created by a designer who has unparalleled knowledge? For me, one theory leads to life without hope and the other offers hope.

This movie stars Ben Stein who sets out to explore the anomaly of various college professors who’ve been expelled for mentioning the theory of intelligent design.

Exploring the history of this theory and the conflicting theory of evolution, Ben interviews people who side with each theory and lets their statements speak for themselves. While these are both just theories, this movie leaves you knowing that there is a decidedly over-weighted push for eradicating the teaching (and even mention) of the theory of intelligent design. The balance of fairness is radically skewed and becomes the crux of Ben’s unspoken argument.

So many people have grown up thinking that evolution is fact that, in America, we’ve lost sight of the fact that Darwin himself disproved his theory and had to come up with a modified version. Even his modified theory is still just a theory.

The historical facts revealed in this movie are fascinating to me, especially learning about the Eugenics movement in the USA during the early 20th century. The little known partnerships that the Nazi party had were also eye-opening.

Bottom line for me was this: I believe both theories should get equal airplay in America’s academic settings and be clearly stated as theories, then let the individuals decide for themselves.

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