Thursday, October 9, 2008

Category Explanation

I broke up my favorite movies into sub-categories because it was way to hard to compare almost 400 against one another without splitting them into similar groupings. Many of the movies could've gone into multiple categories but I put each one into the category that seemed most logical to me. Here are the categories and my explanation for each:

Action / Adventure:
This category includes movies in which the characters are moving throughout most of the movie. Car chases, battles, sci-fi... that kind of thing.

Family / Drama / Documentary:
These movies are focused on the telling of a story and are usually full of word heavy, low-action shots. Not all of these are family movies so be careful! I also included several documentaries, including a few about rock bands.

Mystery / Thriller:
This category is made for the plot twist, seat-edge, keep-you-guessing style of movie. Some are scary or startling, some are not.

Movies that are meant to be funny first and foremost.

Romantic Comedy:
Comedies where the central plot revolves around a man and a woman falling in love and the hilarity that ensues.

Full-length animated movies.

PS. If you think I missed a glaringly obvious movie that should be on one of my lists, please leave a comment and let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rog,

Hope you have fun with the nieces/nephews this weekend. There are a few movies missing that I thought you'd like, but the most glaring is Monty Python and the Holy Grail. (AND, of course, HOT ROD!!!)
Others I would include but you may not, are 16 Candles, Mystery Men, Man on the Moon, What about Bob, Groundhog Day, Dodgeball, Mystery Science Theater 3000 - the Movie, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein and The Jerk. These are all comedies, I'll try to think of serious movies if I get time next week. -Aaron