Monday, October 6, 2008

Top Secret!

Rating: 10
Genre: Comedy

This is one of the great Zucker Brothers spoof movies. It came out in 1984 (after Airplane and the Police Squad series, but before Naked Gun). It mocks spy movies, 50s rock and roll, European high society, WWII Germany, etc.

As for the plot, it follows Nick Rivers (Val Kilmer), an American rock star who gets caught in the middle of a foreign espionage debacle when he meets a young woman whose father is being held captive by the Germans. The father is a scientist who is working on a top secret project (hence the name of the movie) and the Germans hope to use it to take over the world.

This movie has some of the funniest gag-lines and plays on words of any movie… ever!
Knee slapping goodness like this... “Thanks for the phony dog poo.” “What phony dog poo?” HAHA HAHAHA!! Plus, any movie that starts out with a music video of Skeet Surfin’ can’t miss in my book.

If you like movies like Airplane, Naked Gun, or Hot Shots, you should watch this movie.

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